Fogtec – High pressure water mist systems (HPWM)

FOGTEC  HPWM fire suppression systems are world renowned for high quality design and innovation.

High pressure water mist (HPWM) is a fire suppression system, which is the future for applications where a high collateral damage can occur from conventional sprinkler water, high voltage is present, large IT computer storage, heritage and listed buildings of architectural importance and buildings where the imposition of large bore sprinkler pipes would be unwarranted.   FOGTEC offers optimal service at all levels. FOGTEC systems use pure water, converting it to fine water mist at a pressure of 80 to 200 bar.
These water mist systems are not only 100% environmentally friendly but water mist systems are often more effective than conventional gas or water fire fighting equipment. 
With 45 system partners worldwide, FOGTEC is a market leader for land-based water mist systems. Our primary aim is to continuously improve the protection of person and property with our water mist systems.
By our 24/7 service-disposition we are available for our customers around the clock. 

New FM approvals are currently being certified for the previous VDs products

New full fire testing successfully carried out for lithium battery protection and suppression – this will be crucial with the developments in the electric car and transport/storage markets and car parking in critical areas and historical buildings.

Contact us now for a quote

We will be onsite as soon as possible and will get back to you with the best possible price

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P8, Greenogue Business Park,
D24 HD79

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